June 4-10, 2001 -- Michael's Body Wants a Break

Michael woke up this morning not feeling well. By 11:00 AM, he had a fever of 101. He wound up being sick for a week.

During the week that he was sick, I did a few things, mostly running around. I went into town twice looking for various supplies that we are out of, and working with a carpenter who is doing some work for us. I also made several phone calls to order things in since Grenada is a duty free port, in theory.

St. Georges is an interesting place. Like many of the other islands, the town is built into the side of a hill (actually several hills). The roads are steep and narrow. It is a fun, if tiring place to wander around.

On June 8, Michael was starting to feel better. His temperature was normal, and several friends had arrived so he got off the boat for the first time and went to cocktails. Unfortunately, we stayed a little to long, and spent the next two days quietly.
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