February 8, 2000 -- Underway again!

We pulled out of Miami Beach Marina around 1130 GMT. After we cleared the marina, we powered up the hydraulic generator to test its function underway. It seemed to function well so we proceeded out Government cut.

After we cleared the cut, I headed below to power up the watermaker so we would have water until we went into Rybovich Spencer. As I powered up the water maker, the port engine began to surge as it had the day before. After a quick discussion with Mike, we decided to power down the hydraulic and run Ling-Ling.

We put our sails out and motor-sailed from Miami to West Palm Beach. It was a relatively quiet trip, though I was mildly sea sick. Mike, of course, had the appetite from hell and proceeded to chow down. I refused to eat until he fixed a cup of noodles soup. At that point, I perked up and ate his soup, while he fixed himself another. I wound up finishing that one to since there was too much salt for him to finish it.

Around 1900 GMT, we neared the Lake Worth inlet. We dropped our sails and motored in. It looked like we would make it in without meeting one of the cruise ships or cargo ships that frequent the Port of Palm Beach and always seem to be going in or out at the same time we are. Unfortunately, that was not to be! As we neared the narrowest point of the channel, of course, we saw the Contessa II headed towards us! This wasn't nearly as big of a deal as it sounds, since two cruise ships can pass in the channel easily; however, when faced with such a big ship, the channel never looks wide enough until they are passing with 100 yards to spare!

We headed to our favorite anchorage, dropped anchor and celebrated a great motor sail and a return, albeit temporary, to our wandering ways.