November 30, 1999 -- A Day in Charleston

We started out this morning with a relatively simple agenda. We needed to replace the primary and secondary filters for our water maker. We also needed to get a few other things as well as go to the grocery store.

We took the courtesy van to the True Value hardware store, figuring that we would be able to find everything we needed there and could then hit the grocery store that was right next store. Unfortunately, that was not to be! True Value did not have the filters we were looking for. They also did not have the latch things that we were looking for either.

We decided at that point to start wandering around, partly to find something to eat, and partly to see if we couldn't find the parts somewhere else. We had lunch at this little Mexican place in a remodeled church. It was kind of cool, though the food was only OK.

After lunch, we continued walking towards the center of town where we knew that another hardware store was. On the way there, we were seduced by a book store, a Harley Davidson store, and then a camera store. We now have more books to read, a couple of new T-shirts and an underwater camera to take pictures with.

After a short distance, we finally came to Hughes Lumber and Hardware. We looked around there and finally found one of the items we were looking for, but no filters for our water maker. We finally gave up and decided to return to the boat. Unfortunately, the marina shuttle makes a daily run to West Marine at 2:00 PM and had just left, so we had to take public transportation. Mike found that the line that we needed would leave the Visitor's Center at 2:15 PM so we had to hustle to catch the bus.

After huffing and puffing, carrying 15 pounds of books, T-shirts and camera, we finally made it to the bus stop. Mike had misread the schedule; we still had another 20 minutes to wait for the bus!

By the time we returned to the boat, we decided that we would take the rest of the day off and just relax, and that is exactly what we did!