November 25, 1999 -- Happy Thanksgiving

Knowing that we would spend a lot of time over at Yvonne's, and knowing that there would be a lot of stress from cooking, we spent the morning in peace and quiet.

At 3:00 PM, EST, Yvonne came to pick us up. We arrived at the house to the smell of everything cooking. It was definitely Thanksgiving. Mike and I spent the afternoon moving between the kitchen, living room and outside for cigarettes. Dinner was served at around 5:00 PM EST. Everything turned out great. After dinner, Bonnie and Dave came over and we hung out at Yvonne's for a while.

Our boat has a built in timer. We can not be away from the boat for more than about 7 hours. We are now in the habit of shutting our generator off when we are away from the boat. The freezer, which can only run when the generator is on, needs to be reinsulated, currently it will only stay cold for about 7 hours.

At 8:30 PM, EST, we returned to the boat with Bonnie, Dave and Yvonne. Dave received a tour from Mike and me, while Bonnie and Yvonne sat, first on the aft deck, then in the main saloon, chatting. We all came back together in the main saloon and sat talking and drinking the night away.

Finally, we couldn't keep our eyes open any longer and called an end to the evening. I dinked everyone back to their car, returned to the boat and went to sleep.
