November 22, 1999 -- Inverter or Bust!

We continued working on getting the inverter hooked up. We utilized the AC input from the original battery chargers, this was easy. We then used the existing battery cables to hook up to the DC side of the charger/inverter. At that point, I remembered that we needed to include a 300 amp slow burn fuse. We discovered that we did not have the appropriately sized terminal ends to do this, so it was off to the hardware store or West Marine.

About the time we arrived at the shopping center, we realized we hadn't had lunch so we took a quick detour to a small restaurant and chowed down. When we walked out, we saw that the hardware store was also a marine supply place. We walked over and picked up several things there, but not the terminal ends!

West Marine was the next stop. We headed directly for the Electrical aisle and found the terminal ends we needed. We also picked up 40 feet of 10/3 AWG wire for the AC portion of the inverter.

Upon arriving back at the boat we decided that with the access room we had, we should try to run the wiring to the fridge before completing the inverter installation. We tried to move the fridge with no luck. Next we unloaded the cabinets next to the fridge and then enlarged the access hole. We found the plug for the fridge; it was plugged into an outlet strip. God only knows where the outlet strip is plugged into!

It was starting to get late, and we planned to move the boat the next day so we stopped the inverter installation and put the boat back together trying to prepare for going offshore.

We spent the rest of the day relaxing, or what was left of it! We sacked out at 0200 GMT since we needed to get up at 0930 GMT.