November 21, 1999 -- Not Again!

We got up this morning and listened to the forecast for today. Actually, Mike got up and listened to the forecast, I didn't poke my head out until almost 8:30 AM EST. When Mike woke me up, he reported that while the seas didn't sound bad, 3-6 feet or so, they were forecasting nothing more than 6 feet tonight. However, they were also forecasting the possibility of a small craft advisory over night in the exact area that we would be if we left. While the seas are not too much for the boat, this would be a 24 hour run and for the first day or two out neither of us sleeps to well, add to that the larger then normal seas and we would not have had any sleep before entering the shipping lanes and Charleston, SC. So, after discussing the options, we decided to stay and reevaluate our plans. After some discussion, we decided that we would move the boat to Southport and make the run to Charleston from there. It dropped our distance from 170 miles to 100. It also would allow us to make a day run around the Cape Lookout shoals. This was a win win decision for us.

Having made that decision, we decided to hang out with Yvonne for the day. We pulled out the fixings for hamburgers for lunch, then met her at the dingy dock. We managed to forget the hamburger buns, so we headed on to Hannafords to pick them up, as well as some other stuff.

Lunch was pretty good, except I overcooked the hamburgers. Later on, the Good Humor guy came by and we capped lunch off with ice cream.

When we headed back to the boat Bonnie, a friend of David and Yvonne's, came along and we took her out to the boat for a quick tour.

The rest of the afternoon and evening has been spent lounging and playing games. All in all, it was a quiet relaxing day.