November 19, 1999 -- Day Off!

After working like dogs for the previous two days, we decided that we would take the day off and spend it with Yvonne relaxing. She picked us up around 11:30 or so and we headed back to the house. We had planned to see if Yvonne wanted to go to lunch and forgot completely about it! We were at her place for about a half an hour when I remembered about lunch.

So out we went, but not before we met her next door neighbor Bonnie and saw Bonnie's new appliances.

We headed out to Krazy's Pizza for lunch and then over to Office Max so Yvonne could pick up a printer ribbon for Kimberly's printer.

The rest of the afternoon, we spent relaxing with Yvonne until it was time to get Kimberly from school. Shortly after we got back from that, it was time to head back to the boat. We packed up the last of the boxes and headed back to the dingy dock and then the boat.

It was a great end to a fun week that was so much more enjoyable because we were able to share it with Yvonne and the kids.
