November 16, 1999 -- Shopping Time!

We put together a list of things that we needed, and stores we wanted to go to. Surprisingly, it was a much shorter list than we had first anticipated. We needed to go to a hardware store, an electronics store, Sears, and an office supply store.

After we had put together our lists, we headed to shore, called Yvonne and then walked down to the little grocery store for some breakfast. Just as we were finishing breakfast, Yvonne arrived and we headed off.

Our first stop was Sears. Yvonne needed to pick up some stuff for Little David's room, so that worked out well for everyone! Next on the list was Lowes. Unfortunately, when we reviewed our list, we couldn't figure out exactly why we needed to go there. Eventually we figured it out and picked up circuit breakers for our inverter. Our third stop of the day was Office Depot; we found almost everything we needed there.

We were passing by Office Max when we spotted a pizza place and pulled in for lunch. Since Office Max was next to the pizza place we wandered around there next but didn't buy anything.

Finally, we went to Circuit City, another place that Yvonne needed to visit for a Windows upgrade. While there, we found what we were looking for and purchased that as well.

Upon returning to the house, we immediately tore into everything, unpacking, consolidating, and getting rid of packing material.

After all was said and done, we returned to the boat with our various new things to use and stow. We spent the evening configuring our new computer for use as a log and mail PC but couldn't find several disks that we needed to completely configure the system. The idea is to only use the ship's PC for weather and navigation. This way it will allow the machine to be stable with less chance of crashing, since very few changes would be made to it.

After all was said and done, it was a relaxing day!