November 12, 1999 -- The Tourist Thing

Today, we decided we would do the tourist thing. We planned to wander the streets and shops of Beaufort to see what was around and just have some fun. But before that we received a visit from Britt and Elana on Wyndom.

They came over in the morning to trade boat tours. We gave them a tour and spent the morning discussing various things from being new cruisers to the prospect of using electronic charts as a sole source of navigation (we both agreed this is not a good idea). It was fun and educational.

We spent the rest of the day wandering around Beaufort, looking in the stores and basically window shopping. The museum was intriguing, containing images, models and historical information on pirates, sea life, and a history of the origins of the Coast Guard.

At 6:00 PM, we called Wyndom as we were supposed to head over for dinner aboard their boat. They had spent a frustrating day aboard their boat and were ready to head out on the town. So, we went over for a tour of their boat and a glass of wine before dinner. They have a fantastic boat with a great layout. The conversation touched on everything from the type of inverter they have to their SSB configuration. They installed their SSB themselves utilizing an uninsulated backstay and the life lines for the negative pole of their antenna.

After a little while, we headed out for dinner at the Beaufort Brewery for some local brewed beer and burgers. Unfortunately, the Beaufort Brewery has stopped brewing its own beer, and to top things off, the chef there is vegetarian so does not serve burgers! On the flip side, we had some great sea food and the beer was still really good.

As the evening drew to a close, we dropped Britt and Elana at their boat, then headed back to our own. All in all, it was a good day and very enjoyable both touring the town and forming a new friendship.