October 28-31, 1999 -- Annapolis and Deltaville

On October 28, the highlight for the day was getting the Fisher Panda repairman out so that he could replace the dead Earth Switch Relay unit that had gone bad on our generator. One would think this would be a relatively easy task; however, the Fisher Panda owners manual leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to technical specifications as well as consistent information! Of course, he also forgot his shop manual as well. He prevailed though, and we got a crash course in reading combined German and Japanese wiring schematics! That evening, we met Steve and Laura from CYC for dinner at the Annapolis Yacht Club. This is a very posh Yacht Club, with a beautiful interior and a waiting list of 2 years just to join! There are 3 levels, 2 restaurants and a fantastic bar. They do something that I find intriguing in that they have a cashless system, including gratuities. Everything is automatically figured in the bill. The dinner was fantastic, and after closing Skip Jacks, we walked out and met the restaurant manager. We let her know the great job our server had done. Finally it was time to say so long to Steve and Laura and get back to the boat. We hopped in the dink, sat down and immediately stood back up because of 'wet butt' from the dew! Mike says he perfers plain old 'wet butt' to 'salt butt' from Ocean spray anyday. Let me tell you, it was a cold trip back to the boat!

On October 29, we were planning to have dinner with Liz. Unfortunately, her plans were dependent on dropping her boyfriend Sarge off to help move a boat down to Washington, DC and his plans changed so she could not make it. Instead, we went to the cruisers rendezvous at the Eastport Yacht Club. This was obviously the partyers yacht club. We met a number of cruisers there including Bob and Sherrie on Shamal and Scott and Shirley on Sur La Mer.

October 30, was the day that we would get doors! The converted cabinet, the soda machine and the entertainment center would now be both easily covered as well as easily secured! Paul came out in the morning and installed everything. He did a great job.

Very early in the morning October 31, we left Annapolis bound for Deltaville again. It was an easy run with very little wind. As is usual, the wind was right on the nose. We saw a sailboat that was moving pretty good that had turned its Main sail out and seemed to be getting a lift from it. We tried the same thing, and we seemed to go faster. The day went smoothly and quietly. As we neared the turn into the Piankatank, we put our main sail in and found that our speed increased by two knots , did we have the 'brakes on' or what? Bet you didn't know a sailboat had brakes! We pulled into Jackson Creek just after dark and tied up at the fuel dock for the night.

As soon as we were secure, we went in search of Sharman. We found her snug on Sara up on the hard and finally got a quick view of the inside. We had intended only to stay for a few minutes; two hours later, we left and went in search of food. The delivery pizza place was closed so we tried a new recipe that neither of us particularly cared for.