December 05-10, 1999 -- Diseased

On December 5, David and his family left around 10:00 AM, EST. By 11:00 AM, EST, I was running a temperature of 102 and I was achy, all over. I had come down with the flu. I sprawled on the couch sleeping while Mike washed all of the sheets in the guest cabins. The day flew by for me in a haze, the hardest thing I had to do was to get up to use the head.

December 6 was much the same as the fifth. Though in the evening, Mike asked me how my flu started. I told him and he groaned a little bit.

On December 7, Mike was down with the flu. I was still down with the flu.

On December 8, I was starting to feel a little bit better, at least enough better to read a book. I managed to fix us both food, and that exhausted me.

On December 9, Mike wanted milk. We were completely out, and it was close to a quarter of a mile to the store, or at least that is what it seemed like. I braved the elements and headed out to the store to get milk for Mike. That pretty much did it for me for the day, but it helped Mike.

On December 10, we both were starting to feel better, though not quite good enough to really do anything.