Heading North Again

After making the hard decision to head north, we stopped in Fernandina Beach, FL. We toured Cumberland Island with Bob and Joanne on Timonee

After we got to Cumberland Island, we saw a submarine being escorted out.
We rounded the corner of the old Ice House, and saw the wild horses on Cumberland Island (Mind you, the park service calls them ferral because several generations ago, they were stabled)
One of the attempts by the Park Service to annihalate the horses on Cumberland Island was to sterlize them. The year they did that, they never had a larger set of foals!
There are a number of wild animals on the island.
We had heard there were armidillos on the island, we were suprised to actually see one though.
This is the ruins of dungeness, the first settlement on the island. It was burned down in the 1950s by vandals.
After the Carnegies handed the island over to the Park Service, they moved all of the vintage MINT condition cars outside where they rusted.
